

(11 weeks)


Pre primary   

(3-6 year olds)                                30 minutes          £7 per week         


Pre primary (3-6 year olds)     45 minutes          £7.50 per week                 


Primary  (exam class)                30 minutes          £7.50 per week                

                                                               45 minutes          £8 per week 


Grade 1                                             45 minutes          £8 per week      

                                                                1 hour                  £8.50 per week   


Grade 2-6                                         1 hour                  £8.50 per week                


Street Dance                                  1 hour                   £8.50 per week       


Adult tap                                         1 hour                  £8.50 per week         


Adult Keep Fit                               1 hour                  £7 pay as you go 




Primary – Grade 3

Kingfisher blue sleeveless leotard, black stirrup tights, black belt, black crossover cardigan (optional),

FOR TAP- black tap shoes with heel taps fitted (teletone taps from grade 2 upwards), black socks.


Grades 4 – 6

Black sleeveless leotard, black crossover cardigan (optional),

FOR MODERN- black stirrup tights or black leggings and black belt

FOR TAP- black cotton lycra jazz pants, black tap shoes with teletone ball and heel taps fitted, black socks.


Intermediate, Advanced 1, Advanced 2 Tap and Bronze, Silver and Gold Awards

Any colour leotard in any style,

FOR MODERN- black stirrup tights, Capezio Foot Undeez (optional)

FOR TAP- black cotton lycra jazz pants, black tap shoes with teletone ball and heel taps fitted, black socks.


Boys – all classes

White t shirt, black shorts or jazz trousers,

FOR MODERN- bare feet

FOR TAP- black socks and black tap shoes


BALLET OFFICIAL UNIFORM (Ballet tights are now available in a variety of skin tones or pink)


Babies Ballet

Pink sleeveless leotard, pink net skirt, pink crossover cardigan, pink ballet socks, pink ballet shoes with elastic sewn in.


Pre-Primary and Primary Ballet

I.S.T.D. regulation plum sleeveless leotard, plum chiffon skirt, pink crossover cardigan, pink ballet socks or ballet tights, pink ballet shoes with elastic sewn in.  Ballet socks are required for the exam.


Grades 1, 2 and 3 Ballet 

Same as Primary but please note plum waistband is required for the exam. Grade 3 exam also requires satin ribbons to be securely sewn to the ballet shoe.. Grades 2 and 3 require ballet tights for the exam.


Grade 4 Ballet

Same as grade 1-3. Plum waist band, no skirt. Tights are compulsory.


Grade 5 and 6 Ballet

Navy blue leotard and matching wiastband, tights are compulsory. A navy crossover may be worn in class.



White t shirt, black shorts, white socks and black ballet shoes with black elastic.



Official ballet uniform available from Miss Denise. Deniseliasides@gmail.com


Official modern and tap uniform available from:

Dancers Boutique, Shop 5 Sycamore Place, Hill Avenue, Amersham, Buckinghamshire, HP6 5BG.


Suzanne's dance Supplies, 69 Swakeleys Road, Ickenham, Uxbrisge, UB10 8DQ 




Classes start back on Monday 6th January.


The last class of term is Saturday 29th March.


No classes during the half term week of  17th - 22nd February inclusive.


Contact us today!

If you have any queries or wish to book a  trial, please contact us:


+44 7804 910551 +44 7804 910551



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© Emma Bowles